It is with excitement that 3 more fantastic HR & Recruitment thought-leaders have been introduced to the SocialHRCamp Vancouver 2015 speaker group. As you all know this 3rd Vancouver Camp is taking place at Hootsuite, which by the way is home to one of the most fun and creative work spaces around.
The first speaker is Amy Hamdorff, Manager of Recruitment for JOEY Restaurants. As you will learn from her session at the upcoming Camp Amy has done an amazing job at integrating social media platforms into JOEY’s recruitment and employer branding efforts. It’s one of our favourite examples that are showcased to the HR/Recruitment industry on how to do social media the right way.
The second speaker is Rayanne Thorn, Chief Strategy Officer at TalentBrowser, a cloud-based recruiting efficiency tool for organizations with high volumes of jobs and candidates. An interesting fact about Rayanne is this Camp will be her 4th — San Francisco 2012 & 2013, Toronto 2014 and soon to be Vancouver 2015. She’s one of the top global Recruitment thought leaders and is well known for her involvement with Top Recruiter, The Competition.
Last but not least is Chad MacRae, Founder & Principal Recruiter of social recruiting agency, Recruiting Social. Initially founded in Vancouver Chad has quickly grown the brand globally to the United States, U.K. and the Middle East. You’ve likely seen Chad compete on Season 3 of Top Recruiter and is currently neck and neck for top spot — oh by the way, voting is still open on the Next Top Recruiter so please click here, watch the episode and vote for Chad.
Remember our audience is capped 100 attendees so be sure to act quickly and reserve your spot today. Tickets are only $99, of which $60 gets donated to the Free The Children Project to support development of a school in the Amazon Region of Ecuador. Click on the register button below.
Stay close to #SHRC15 activity on social media below.