We introduced the Reach Networking App at SocialHRCamp Toronto in November 2014 (see “Take Networking to the Next Level with…“). We really like the app as it’s simple, easy to use and has a really clean user interface. Plus, we were intrigued by the product roadmap from Toronto-based Big Rock Labs, the creators of this tool. We’re excited that they’ve signed on for their second SocialHRCamp, in Vancouver this coming weekend on January 31st, and have the opportunity to not only introduce the Vancouver HR/Recruitment community to the app, but its upcoming upgraded product release. They’ve also been making some noise recently within the tech scene as they were 1 of 6 start-ups from over 100 applicants worldwide that bid to work with Gallop Labs in utilizing the developer’s growth science technology for apps.
If you’ve had the opportunity to download and use the Reach app on you Android or iOS mobile devices you have probably wished it had a few more features that more effectively enabled you to communicate with your new contacts in real-time. Well, Big Rock Labs is on the verge of making these features available, and all we can say is, “we can’t wait”!
Before we see a whole slew of cool features v1.5 will be coming out in the very near future that will see an overhauled Android user interface, and some minor adjustments to the user experience on both the Android and iOS versions. Expect the updates to be made available in the Google Play Store and iOS App Store before the end of February.
But the fun will really start when v2.0 comes out (date to be determined), and beyond. Below are some of the proposed cool features that may be accompanied with v2.0.
- Improved onboarding
- Redesigned location screen
- Redesigned profile screen
- Sign-in with Facebook, Gmail & Twitter (along with LinkedIn)
- Messaging within the app
- Social sharing
- Blackberry support
This is just a snippet of what is expected to come as the core focus will be on improving the ability of users to interact in real-time. Oh… and did you happen to see the last bullet above, Blackberry support? Oh yes you did… this is interesting as we all know what has happened to Blackberry since they fell asleep for a couple of years while Google and Apple went flying by them. Perhaps a sign of a comeback for Canadian icon Blackberry? Whatever the case may be the recent new product releases from Blackberry have been impressive, and it’ll be interesting to see how the Reach app will gain traction within the Blackberry user community.
At this point in time, all we can say is we couldn’t be more excited to have Big Rock Labs partner with SocialHRCamp as we enter a pivotal year that has seen a sharp increase in the level of interest from the HR/Recruitment community, globally. We’ll be rolling out a really fun networking activity for all SocialHRCamp Vancouver 2015 attendees that will incorporate the Reach app. We can’t wait to share specific details with our registered attendees tomorrow.
If you haven’t already done so download the app by clicking on the relevant button below and give it a try.
Registrations continue to go strong, and as we near our 100 attendee cap it becomes more important for you to reserve your spot now. Tickets are only $99, of which $60 gets donated to the Free The Children Project to support development of a school in the Amazon Region of Ecuador. Click on the register button below.