The train keeps on rolling along as we introduce another Canadian HR technology company to the SocialHRCamp sponsorship family. Toronto-based Tembostatus is the latest sponsor to jump on-board to participate in their first-ever SocialHRCamp. Sure we are slightly biased here but they have built an incredible piece of software that supports organizations drive actionable employee engagement results. Did you raise an eyebrow basically thinking, “yeah right”? Well… not only do you have to sign up for SocialHRCamp Toronto on Saturday, May 14, you should keep reading.
The Goods on TemboStatus
We know that the traditional approach to employee engagement measurement is to send out an annual employee engagement survey, collect the results, spend way too much trying to analyze the results, and if you’re lucky, you understand them and do something about what’s not going right. This is unbelievably time consuming, inefficient, ineffective, and to be quite blunt, not smart. Enter TemboStatus, who basically have disrupted how employee engagement is viewed.
Surveys are still around, and likely will always be around, but where TemboStatus has taken a massive leap forward is a couple of things. First, the software is structured so that you are pushed to action with specific recommendations based on survey data. Second, it has a highly intelligent data analytics engine that can slice and dice data, and tell you exactly what is and is not going on. No human being can possibly do this at the speed and accuracy as this tool — if you’re like 99.9% of HR Practitioners, the analysis of employee engagement data is where “paralysis by analysis” steps in. Finally, everything is real-time and trackable via a robust dashboard. So, you have the highly customizable and flexible data collection tools, data analytics tools and action recommendation engine, all wrapped up in 1 interface. What more could you ask for than this? Absolutely nothing.
Check out this video of David Bator, who leads TemboStatus.
We would argue that employee engagement is the biggest area that HR can drive to positively influence business outcomes. Employees are at the centre of everything an organization does (unless the daily activities of an organization are performed by robots). How they feel, how connected they are to the organization, how appreciated they are, and ultimately how engaged they are DOES drive business outcomes. Through scalable technology that actually works and supports action and results, HR can really drive businesses forward. This is where TemboStatus comes in, and we’re thrilled to have them with us on May 14th.
Be sure to register your spot, and obtain the hands-on learning that you will obtain on that day.