We are almost there. 120+ members of the Toronto HR/Recruitment Community will be coming together at Lighthouse Labs in the evening of November 21st for SocialHRCamp Toronto 2017. We’re introducing a new concept for SocialHRCamp — short 3-minute pecha kucha-style...
Our journey since the early days way way way back in May 2012 has been an interesting one. We’ve ventured into some interesting North American cities like Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Omaha, Boston, and Chicago. We’re looking...
The Canadian expansion for SocialHRCamp has finally started, and what better place than to go to the “City of Champions” (yes it’s been awhile since the Oilers last won the Stanley Cup but we think it could happen again in...
So SocialHRCamp Los Angeles 2017 came and went in a blur. It was our first evening event, and we think it’s safe to say that it was a success. The WeWork Culver City venue was fantastic, speakers were top-notch, sponsors...
It’s been a long road to get to this point but we’re ecstatic to be rolling into Southern California for our first SocialHRCamp in Los Angeles on Thursday, May 11th. It will also be our first evening event so it’ll...