Stéphanie Montreuil is an accomplished marketing communications professional with over 10 years experience. She likes to work with entrepreneurs & SMBs to help them put sound strategies in place and chose the proper new media channels to tell their stories, build communities and grow their brands.
An avid traveler, and savvy networker, she is known as a natural connector & relationship builder. She is also a firm believer in the power of community, connection & collaboration and believes that social media is a powerful tool that can help you attain your goals faster. A sought after subject matter expert & recognized though leader, she is a regular on the speaker circuit and has been a part of such events as Social Media Week Toronto, #140Conf The State of Now in NYC and Blissdom Canada.
Stéphanie is also the proud mother of a creative & energetic teen daughter whom she enjoys traveling and discovering the world with. An advocate of using social media for social good she is a champion of community causes and volunteers her time for various organizations such as Twestival, the CHEO BBQ & the Royal Ottawa Hospital Foundation.