Josh Berry

As Managing Director of VentureTech, Josh Berry is passionate about helping HR entrepreneurs build businesses. Keen on validating problems and markets before wasting time and money on building solutions, Berry is wicked smart at sorting through business assumptions and ideas to help individuals focus on what matters most. Prior to joining VentureTech, Berry helped lead the NMotion start-up accelerator and work directly with entrepreneurs through his independent consultancy, Smart Matter. He especially loves partnering with entrepreneurs on new technologies that help organizations and people work better – ideally in the areas of talent acquisition and management. Berry also has expertise and has been asked to internationally speak and teach on topics such as Lean Start-up, sales/marketing strategy, trends in HR technology and innovative talent acquisition/management practices.
Before jumping head-first into the start-up scene, Berry was involved for close to a decade with sales, product development, consulting and leadership at a global talent assessment company, Talent Plus. While there, he earned the Global Professional of Human Resources designation by the Human Resources Certification Institute and worked with dozens of talent management companies while leading Talent Plus’ strategic alliance program. A Nebraska native, Berry currently resides in Lincoln with his wife, Trisha, and their four children. When not helping HR entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses, Berry enjoys learning, triathlons, playing bass guitar and working on his family ministry start-up, Family Box.
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    May 15, 2015