Jessica is the Director of Marketing at Jostle Corporation. When Jessica joined Jostle in 2012, the start-up was growing quickly. She built Jostle’s onboarding program to ensure customer success as the pace of new business picked up. She developed implementation strategies and communications plans for launching an intranet. She then quickly added a sustainment coaching program to ensure long term success. Jessica has now seen hundreds of customers launch and watched them evolve over time. She has coached organizations of all types, sizes, industries and cultural nuances, and has deep insight into how to initiate and sustain intranet engagement and value. Presently, Jostle’s customer base is in the hundreds. Users work in 114 countries. Their customers maintain an average of over 85% monthly user engagement with an annual customer retention rate of 94%. Jessica also sits on the Board for the BC & Yukon chapter of Children’s Wish as a marketing and social media advisor, business community connector, and all around supporter of the cause.
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