Dr. Tanvi Gautam firmly believes that the work place of today cannot be managed with the mind set of yesterday. Through her firm she helps organizations adopt innovative talent management practices. She is also an academic who is as sought after in executive education as she is in the Phd programs for her ability to do inter-disciplinary work in the field of human resource management.
Her ideas on managing the new work place, as well as women and leadership, have been published in prominent international forums such as Forbes, Big Think; Singapore Business Review blogs; Straits Times; Economic Times (leading business newspaper), People Matters (leading HR magazine) Business Manager and Women’s web.
Dr. Gautam was recognized by the Business Manager magazine (India edition) as one of the leading women HR professionals (July 2012). She also serves on the boards of ARTDO international (a pan Asian HR consulting and training organization headquartered in Malaysia) and D.K International (HQ: India). She has been interviewed and quoted by international media on her areas of expertise.
She launched India’s first ever Twitter chat for Human Resource professionals : #Indiahrchat as well as curated the first ever list of 50 women from India to follow on Twitter, which resulted in her Forbes article: There is no glass ceiling on Twitter.
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