HR Technology is advancing at a rate hard to quantify. Each year, our profession gains new ground in the development of services, information, systems and tools available to address the rapidly evolving landscape of HR. For many of us, the advent of these tools and technologies was swift, and organizations slow to get on board are just now realizing what’s truly been missed. In this session we’ll explore how technology is propelling the HR function, and a step by step guide for getting out of the weeds, and into the playing field.
The topic of Employee Engagement has almost become a running joke: do survey, sit on results, announce results, realize they’re too old to be useful, re-do survey... This loop continues to make an ask of employees—tell us more about what you think about the company—but is light on giving value back to the employee. True engagement requires that there be something in it for Brand. What you'll get are employees who are happy to have a voice, a brand that’s reflective of your company's reality, and brand messaging that's customized for each employee's network—critical in a world where employees are your best front line sourcers. The idea of having every employee talking about the brand in slightly different ways may seem daunting, but with the right tools and right approach, this new way of thinking can deliver sustained branding and engagement results beyond what you thought possible. And we will prove it!
Nearly 50% of Sodexo’s management-level hires in 2014 reported using one or more of our social properties during their job search. While channel preference varied slightly between internal and external hires, the message was clear: both types of candidates found value in viewing culture-related content, having the ability to ask questions and receive answers in real time and accessing firsthand accounts of what it’s like to work for the company. This is why creating a “career newsroom” is vital to the success of your recruitment efforts. This means not only creating content that speaks to the questions and concerns of most job seekers, but also having a method for actively putting it at their fingertips through things like QUEsocial, our mobile Jobs app and our regularly updated online properties. In this session, we will dig deeper into the results of our 2014 New Hires Survey and take a closer look at the content strategy behind managing nearly 20 different platforms to engage potential candidates online.
Josh is going to explore strategies being used today by leading Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding executives. He is going to give you a list of things that you can take back to your desk on Monday and implement. Josh has interviewed a handful of practitioners who have shared proven strategies that they have implemented that have produced amazing results. If you are thinking of starting or enhancing your Social Talent Acquisition strategy in 2015, this is a can’t miss break-out session.
In today's competitive job market, how candidates perceive your firm impacts who you attract and who you can hire. Guess what? If your candidate experience is awesome, you will be able to attract top talent! Rolling out the red carpet for candidates is an absolute must. Chances are your candidates are being treated like royalty by your competitors, so you need to figure out a way to stand out from the crowd. In order to make the candidate experience as smooth as possible, you need to ensure that you have structured processes surrounding each step in the workflow and that everyone in your organization, particularly, hiring managers, are utilizing technology to its fullest. In this session, you will learn how to put your company’s best foot forward and showcase your employer brand like a champion. Learn how to make the candidate experience as smooth and seamless as possible so you can convert more awesome applicants to amazing hires — fast.
Gabe and Ben will talk about what awesome stuff they’re doing at VueNation, and how it’s critically important that Marketing and HR/Recruiting work in a true partnership. We will also dive into a few social hacks that anyone can apply to their recruiting, HR, selling and marketing efforts.
Companies should use technology and social media with the same intentionality on internal audiences as external audiences. After the hire, after the customer, don’t forget who is already here. This session will discuss some methods and tools that are being used the address the need for internal communications and business workflow, not only for comradery but also for good business and collaborations. Taking an integrated approach with human resources, management information systems and public affairs, businesses can transform and blend their internal communication and business strategies and strategically intertwine traditionally held definitions of these units to improve an overall stakeholder experience.
Uber, Snapchat & the invention of selfie sticks - the world has changed rapidly in just 5 short years. Why then, have we been stuck in the dark ages with the same recruiting processes for the past 20 years? Times aren’t changing, they’ve already changed; instead of just keeping up with the trends let’s strive to create them. This session will walk you through the social statics and millennial behaviors that led one high-volume recruiting team to completely change their recruiting process by integrating and leveraging the power of video. Learn how you can also upgrade your process to improve quality of hire as well as your candidate experience.
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